5 research outputs found

    EFL Teachers' Attitudes toward E-learning Platforms during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study investigates the features of three e-learning platforms: Moodle, Google Classroom, and Zoom. It provides an in-depth examination of the digital learning media efficacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning platforms for English language teaching. The research highlights the potential of authentic e-learning platforms to motivate EFL teachers and students to step up to the challenge. A digital survey which consisted of 36 items, was distributed to determine EFL teachers' impressions of the effectiveness of these platforms. The researchers distributed three questionnaires for each e-learning platform. Each questionnaire consisted of six sections: availability and accessibility, efficiency, information exchange, teacher perception, teacher satisfaction, and E-learning insight during COVID-19. The researchers utilized the Minitab 16 Statistical software to analyze the elicited data and the Cronbach's Alpha values to assess the survey questions content validity. Other statistical techniques, such as mean, standard deviation, and agreeable level (AR), were used to depict the effectiveness of each platform. Google Classroom (Ave. AR = 72.92 percent and Ave. Mean = 3.887) was the most efficient e-learning platform based on the survey responses.  The next platforms were Moodle (Ave. AR = 68.09 percent, Ave. Mean = 3.694) and Zoom (Ave. AR = 61.85 percent, Ave. Mean = 3.544). The findings should motivate language learners to act and assist instructors and policy-makers in constructing e-learning environments that support learning during the global health crisis

    Membangun Sinergi Pusat Karir dan Program Studi Melalui Program Tracer Study dan Pengembangan Karir Lulusan

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    Keterserapan lulusan dalam memperoleh pekerjaan atau menjadi wirausahawan merupakan salah satu faktor penentu dan indikator mutu suatu Perguruan Tinggi. Dalam merealisasikan visi, misi dan tujuan serta eksistensinya ke depan, UMSU secara terus meningkatkan daya saing lulusan dalam menjawab kebutuhan dunia usaha dan industri melalui optimalisasi kualitas dalam proses pembelajaran dan pengembangan karir  serta pilar kompetensi kerja. Sebagai ujung tombak Tri Dharma pergurun Tinggi, Program studi harus mampu mengakomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa dan lulusan dalam pengembangan kualitas SDM secara formal dan informal, sehingga mahasiswa sebagai potensi pengemban karir di masa mendatang akan memiliki kualifikasi yang lebih baik. Upaya Pusat Pengembangan Karir dan Alumni dalam menyelaraskan dan memprioritaskan program kerja   dengan memfasilitasi kebutuhan program studi menentukan tercapainya sinergitas antara pusat karir sebagai lembaga universitas dan program studi dalam mewujudkan tata kelola perguruan tinggi yang baik.Membangun Sinergi Pusat Karir dan Program Studi Melalui Program Tracer Study dan Pengembangan Karir Lulusa

    Study of the Interpreting Techniques used by the Tourist Guides in the Tourism Attractions of North Sumatra

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    Many techniques have been applied in the interpretation and translation in the field of tourism guiding. This research paper focuses on the interpreting techniques of tour guides in North Sumatra. It seeks the types and the capabilities of tour guides in interpretation of the meanings of heritage of tourist destinations in North Sumatra. Data of this research were collected through document analysis, interviews, and analyzed using interactive data analysis in ancient tombs of Kings Sidabutar and the traditional house of Karonese Siwaluh Jabu at Dokan village in Karo district. The findings of this study showed that there were eight interpreting techniques applied by the tour guides in consecutive and liaison interpreting modes. The summarizing was the dominant technique. It was applied in order to clarify the objects